BFM - Bonded Fiber Matrix
Dires to form a breathable, high strength blanket. Remains a sprayed-in-place blanket that contours with the surface. Less expensive and faster to install versus blankets or sod
Construction Safety Fence
High visibility
• Rectangular Openings
• Safety Barrier, Crowd Control
• Tree Protection Fence
• Comes in a variety of sizes
Erosion Control
Temporary erosion control blanket for slopes, median strips, ditches, and shallow channels . Should be installed over a properly prepared, fertilized, and seeded area. Holds seed and soil in place with "barbed action" edges
Polymer Flocculent Powder & Gel
Flocculent powder removes suspended sediments from water by sticking to them and causing them to sink. This powder is applied via our hydroseeder directly to sediment basins and ponds.
We offer a complete line of gabions in a wide variety of sizes. As well as the rock and the installation capabilities to make your job complete
Flocculent Blocks
Flocculent Blocks are ideal for dosing flocculent in remote locations such as storm water drains and detention dams and in situations where regular supervision of dosing is not practical.
Geomembrane/ Geotextiles (Non-Woven)
Especially designed for drainage applications, clog prevention. Performs as a filter and retains fine soil necessary to the drainage system. Allows ground water to pass through. Used for groundwater intercept systems, pavements/driveways, building foundations, dams, and walls.
Flocculent Soc
Clear sediments out of water in sediment basins before they discharge into natural waterways with flocculent socs. Effective for up to 500,000 gallons of storm water, and flow rates of up to 75 gallons per minute.
Geomembrane/ Geotextiles (Woven)
Geotextiles provide five important functions: it enhances roadway performance, separation, stabilization, reinforcement and drainage. The primary cause of pavement deterioration is contamination of the aggregate base, causing a loss in aggregate strengt
Mycorrhizal Soil BioStimulants
Provides approx. 3.6 million living propagulates to soil. Applied at a rate of 60lbs/acre or 1.4lbs/1000ft².
Rock Plates
By flexing the vehicle tire treads, the Rock Plates dislodge rocks, asphalt, dirt and other debris from the vehicle treads before trucks leave your construction site. Sometimes referred to as trench or shaker plates.
Sand & Gravel Bags
(Burlap, Poly, & 7Yr. Snakebags - Empty or Filled)
SFM - Stabilized Fiber Matrix
A one-step, hydraulically-applied, stabilized fiber matrix erosion control system, that is formulated to hold soil in place immediately upon application, even during the drying and curing stage
Silt Fence
• With our without stakes
• Various heights: 24, 36 or 42 inches
• Various widths: 52-300 feet
• Various Strengths
• Various UV ratings
Silt Fence (Reinforced/Wire Backed)
• With our without stakes
• Various heights: 24, 36 or 42 inches
• Various widths: 52-300 feet
• Various Strengths
• Various UV ratings
Stabilized Construction Entrances
A stabilized entrance to a construction site is designed to minimize the amount of sediment tracked from the site on vehicles and equipment. Mud and sediment fall off of tires as they bounce along the stabilized entrance.
Storm Drain Inlet Protection
A temporary barrier installed around a storm drain inlet, drop inlet or curb inlet
Straw Wattles/ Fiber Rolls
Providing storm drain inlet protection directing runoff water to retention and detention devices. Reducing water velocities in areas of concentrated flow such as waterways and swales, when installed as check structures.
Ti-Angular Silt Dikes
Triangular Silt Dike is a reusable, multipurpose alternative to rock check dams. Made of lightweight and durable materials, Triangular Silt Dikes weigh just 7 to 9 lbs. per seven foot section.
Turbidity Curtains
When construction occurs on or near lakes and ponds, sediments can be stirred up and released into the water. By using a Turbidity Curtain it is possible to contain this sediment in a small portion of the lake or pond
Wood Stakes
Secure down fiber rolls - 18" length.
Staples for
Firmly fasten down erosion control blankets with 6-inch, 11-gauge staples, in boxes of 1000.
S-Fence is a patented high performing, low total cost alternative to silt fence. It reduces sedimentation and provides erosion control on or around construction sites.
ProWattle is a high performance, low cost and environmentally sustainable approach to protect slopes from erosion and to protect perimeters in low traffic environments. Unlike fiber rolls, ProWattle tends to spread rather than concentrate flow.
Perimeter Guard
Perimeter Guard (PG) is a tested, patented, high performance and low cost system designed to provide effective sediment control on or around home building sites
Hard Surface Guard
Hard Surface Guard is a patented, high performance and cost effective system to provide sediment control on hard surfaces on or around construction sites.
Ditch Guard
Ditch Guard is a patented high performing and low cost approach to protect roadside ditches, swales, and channels from erosion and sediment loss.
E-Fence is a patent pending, durable and low cost species exclusion and control barrier designed for projects in habitat where threatened small vertebrates are present.
Curb Inlet
Curb Inlet Guard is a patented, low cost system which reduces sedimentation into curb inlets. Curb Inlet Guard is an important part of a comprehensive best management practice approach for site sediment control.
Combo Guard
Combo Guard is a patented, low cost, four-layer system to reduce sedimentation into combination curb & grate inlets. It is an important part of a comprehensive best management practice approach for site sediment control.
Drop Guard
Drop Guard provides a high performance and cost effective system to reduce sedimentation into unpaved 4 sided Construction Site Field Drop Inlets. It does not need to be staked – flaps are covered with soil or gravel.
GR-8 Guard
GR-8 Guard is a patented, low cost, four layer system designed to reduce sedimentation into grated storm drain inlets in paved areas. It is an important part of a comprehensive best management practice approach for site sediment control.